Monday, September 22, 2014

Alternative Energy & Green Architecture: For a Better World

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Alternative energy

Several years ago, I had a chance to do a green design project in my product design class. By researching and learning about green design, I realized that this is what I want to pursue as a product designer in the future. For the final design concept, I came up with a solar powered public bus station. The purpose of it was to save energy and create eco-friendly community. The floor of this bus station was made out of wasted tires to give comfort on legs while waiting for buses. I came up with this solution to recycle wasted tires. The solar powered touch screen monitor shows the time, schedule, destination, routes and etc.

The common types of alternative energy are...

  • Solar energy      
  • Wind energy
  • Geothermal energy
  • Biofuel and ethanol
  • Nuclear binding energy 
  • Hydrogen

Green architecture

Green architecture, or sustainable architecture is a rising star everywhere. Many countries are currently investing on green building & energy saving projects. The goal of green architecture is to use less energy, less materials, less space, and etc. Green building makes heating, ventilation and cooling system efficient and is a field to look up to for the greener future.

Raefer Wallis, an architect, talks about the green architecture that regenerates in this TED video.

Video from

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